No No No No They Don't Hit No More

Are you familiar with the old Ringo Starr (yes The Beatle!) song THE NO NO SONG? Well the Indians were "NO NO'd" last night on the south side of Chicago and I have taken my creative license to freshen up the lyrics of this tune a bit. In the song Ringo talks about giving up certain vices and no doubt Tribe batters gave up hitting, swinging at good pitches and protecting the plate last night. The new song goes like this...

"A pitcher that I know just came from NC STATE, he smiled because we did not understand, then he dropped curves and sliders on us ha-ha and said he was the best in all the land!

And the Tribe said: No no no no, we don't hit it no more, we're tired of getting on base, No, thank you, please, It only makes me sneeze and then it makes it hard to find the door!

This pitcher that we met was truly a real pain, he smiled because we did not understand, then he threw 4 seam fast balls on demand and said he was the best in all the land!

And we said: No no no no, we don't hit it no more, we're tired of getting on base. No, thank you, please, It only makes me sneeze And then it makes it hard to find the door."

Not sure what the excuse was last night as Rodon was pretty darn good but c'mon Indians, this team should not be "NO HIT!" So many of you noted "you knew this was coming." I did not. Again this lineup is NOT the '95 Tribe or even the '97 or '16 Indians but with Luplow who "hits lefties," Cesar, Jose Jose Jose, Eddie, Franmil, etc there are major league sticks here. Now they must swing at strikes, let balls go by and dig in. OWN THE PLATE.

What happens now? Two things...Indians have 16 more games in this grueling 19 game stretch and they can fold or fight! Let's hope it is the latter!

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