A Peril Of Sports - The Collision

Any one watching the Indians and Twins yesterday still recalls the horror plus awful feeling in the pit of their stomach when flashing back to Josh Naylor writhing on the ground looking for anyone and anything to take the pain away from a fractured ankle. A fly ball that required Josh to bust his butt to get to also was on the radar of young Ernie Clement playing in his 7th Major League game. There are so many variables here! Was it Josh's ball? Yes. Do we applaud Ernie's hustle" Yes. Does Josh need to yell "MINE, I GOT IT"? Yes. Did they see each other? Odds are a resounding NO! Bottom line as Tito kindly reminded Clement "that was Josh's ball no matter what." Should you be ticked at the team for playing another young kid? NO. Be yanked at Cesar Hernandez for hitting 60 points BELOW his average and being awful in the field this year. There is a bottom line to all of this. The Tribe due to injuries is already thin at starters plus missing their clean up hitter and best catcher and now missing a dynamo who may not be the face of the team but is truly the SPIRIT of the team playing with his hair on fire!

Did the collision bring others to mind when two flesh and bones bodies met as they should not? My "not good" HIT PARADE features:

  • Leon Wagner and Larry Brown is a devastating collision.
  • Mike Cameron meeting up with Carlos Beltran and needed facial surgery.
  • TJ Ward using the head of Jordan Shipley to relieve tension.
  • Pete Rose barreling into Ray Fosse in an All Star game.
  • LT turning the leg of Joe Theismann into a swinging gate.
  • Buster Posey getting lit up at home plate by Scott Cousins which sadly was Scott's claim to "Infamy."
  • Tony Conigliaro's face meeting a Jack Hamilton fast ball. The thought is horrific.

I am certain you have some of your own from all sports and let's hope injuries are kept to a minimum. Will more happen? YES they will. Let's hope injuries are at a minimum and time is a great healer for young Mr. Naylor...physically and mentally.

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